
The Constitution of the Indian National League

Our guiding principles and organizational framework.

The Foundation of Our Values

The Constitution of the Indian National League serves as the cornerstone of our organization. Adopted by the National Council on 17th July 1994, it embodies our collective vision for a progressive and inclusive society, ensuring the rights and dignity of every individual.

Articles of the Constitution

Article 1: Name, Flag, Area of Activity and Headquarters

1.1 The Name:

  • The name of the organization shall be the Indian National League.

1.2 The Flag:

  • The flag of the organization shall be green in color, having a rectangular shape with a crescent located at the upper left.

1.3 The Headquarters:

  • The headquarters of the organization shall be located in New Delhi or such other city or town in any state of the Indian Union, as decided by the President, in consultation with the office bearers of the organization.

Article 2: Aims and Objects of the Organization

2.1 Independence and Integrity:

  • To uphold, defend, and maintain the independence, freedom, national solidarity, territorial integrity, and honor of the Indian Union.

2.2 Constitution and Principles:

  • To bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established and to the principles of Socialism, Secularism, and Democracy.

2.3 Consolidation of Secular Forces:

  • To strive to achieve the consolidation of all secular forces in the country and vigorously oppose the forces of Chauvinism and Fascism.

2.4 Rights Protection:

  • To ensure, protect, and maintain the religious, cultural, official, linguistic, educational, social, economic, political, and other legitimate rights of all denominational minorities as well as dalits and depressed sections of citizens of the Indian Union.

2.5 Justice for Working Classes:

  • To secure justice for all sections of working classes and employees of all types and to establish a system leading to the abolition of all forms of economic exploitation and social inequities.

Article 3: Membership

3.1 Eligibility:

  • Any person who is a citizen of the Indian Union and who is not less than 18 years of age and is of sound mind shall be eligible to become a member of any primary Unit of the Organization.

3.2 Membership Fees:

  • Any person desirous of becoming a member shall pay a membership fee of Rs. 20/- and such membership fee shall be valid for a period of 3 years. Active Membership Fee is Rs. 100/- valid for a period of 3 years.

3.3 President’s Discretion:

  • The President shall have complete discretion over admission to membership of the organization, without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Article 4: Office Bearers of the Organization

4.1 The Office Bearers:

  • The organization shall have the following office bearers:
    • One President
    • Four Vice Presidents
    • Four General Secretaries
    • One Organizing Secretary
    • Eight Secretaries
    • One Treasurer

4.2 Election of Office Bearers:

  • All the office bearers mentioned in Article 4.1 shall be elected every 3 years by the National Council of the Organization from among its members.

Article 5: The National Council

5.1 Supreme Body:

  • There shall be a National Council for the Organization and it shall be the Supreme Body of the Organization.

5.2 Representation:

  • The National Executive of the Organization shall fix the number of members to represent each state of the Indian Union in the National Council.

5.3 Total Members:

  • The total number of members in the National Council shall not exceed 125.

Article 6: National Executive

6.1 Composition:

  • There shall be a National Executive of the Organization consisting of not more than 35 members including the office bearers given in Article 4.1.

6.2 Nomination:

  • The President shall nominate members other than the office bearers, after his election as President.

Article 7: Meetings

7.1 National Council Meetings:

  • Meetings of the National Council of the Organization shall be convened from time to time by the General Secretary in consultation with or under the direction or approval of the President.

7.2 Quorum:

  • The quorum for the National Council meetings shall be 35 and decisions at such meetings shall be taken with a simple majority.

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